By: Colleen D. Mitchell

Catholic philanthropy reflects some of the highest gifts we can give of ourselves to others – our time, our talents, treasure, increasingly our ties or networks of family, friends, and colleagues.  Yet as valuable as all these gifts are for the common good of others, without love, without given with and through Him who Is Love, we fall short in sharing with others the beautiful and grace-filled virtue of generosity; one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Because God creates – or generates- each of us uniquely in His own multi-faceted image, out of His generosity, this dynamic impulse toward generosity is deeply implanted in our very being, from our very beginnings.  Why be generous?  So I can be my best, personal version of being a joy-filled and loving Catholic!

Being a generous Catholic affords so many blessings:

  • the opportunity to offer God His praise and my gratitude for His magnanimous and custom-fit gifts within my life;
  • to actively participate in the God-given dignity of work, creating, returning to God a multiplication of the gifts He gave me; and if His will, for the advantage of others;
  • to responsibly bear witness to others of God’s personal call of my life’s highest meaning and path, generously serving and supporting others on their life’s journey, humbly leaving people and places better off as a consequence of our time spent, together.

Catholic financial generosity is predicated by participation in a successful enterprise and investment strategy.  The dignity of a successful work experience bears an over-abundance of working capital that after responsibly paying one’s expenses, offers a charitable share.  Additionally, if that abundance is invested and it grows, there is more generosity available to share! Catholic investors and their balance of funds invest in a manner that is consistent with their Catholic teachings and values, and poised for growth.  Focused on investing fundamentals and valuation, Catholic investors focus on good investment opportunities for the long-term.

Catholic generosity inspires gratitude in those who receive and thankfulness in the hearts of the givers – Go, Live & Give your Best, Catholic Generosity!

About the author:
Colleen D. Mitchell is Founder & Principal of VENTURE3Philanthropy LLC. Colleen is a featured speaker at The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida’s 2019 Investor Conference Series.

To learn more about the 2019 Investor Conference, or to register, please click here.


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